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Welcome to Social Summer Week 5!

This week, we’re back at Base Camp

gm and once again, welcome back to Social Summer. ☀️ 🏝️

Can you believe we're already at week 5? 🥹 Time flies when you’re exploring the Superchain! Over the past four weeks, we’ve been your tour guides through various ecosystems, but now it’s time to bring it back to Base Camp.

Base has a ton of applications that trulybring web3 to new heights. That’s why this week’s creative bounty theme is “Based on a True Story.” Let’s go!

Bringing the World Onchain 🌎 🌐

Picture this: a world where you can grab your morning coffee, or even earn real-life rewards just by dining out—all with . This isn’t some dream; it’s happening right now. And yes, this is based on a true story.

Now, let’s take a little trip to New York. Imagine you’re wandering through NYC, but—whoops—you left your wallet at home (the old-school leather one, not your mobile wallet). No worries! You can just stroll into a coffee shop and pay with USDC. After your caffeine fix, it’s time to plan dinner. You can use an onchain dapp to find a restaurant, DM for a reservation, and even earn rewards. You’ve just spent the day exploring the city, all while staying onchain. Pretty cool, right?

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: for web3 to truly go mainstream, it needs to reach beyond just finance. Luckily, the line between IRL and is getting blurrier by the day. And, on the Superchain, we’re all on this journey together. 🔵 🟢 🔴 🟡

Base 🔵

The Origin Story

Base is a Layer 2 blockchain launched by to help bring the world onchain. And so far, it’s doing a pretty great job because that NYC scenario we just talked about? Yep, it’s all possible on Base today. Since launching to mainnet, Base has become the fastest-growing Layer 2 protocol, with an ecosystem that covers DeFi, gaming, social, and more—all in under a year. 🤯

But where did Base come from? Let’s rewind a bit and talk about Coinbase. It isn’t just the largest in the US by trading volume; it’s more than that. Over the past decade, Coinbase has been building towards creating an open financial system that enhances global economic freedom. Now, they’re focusing on onchain applications to bring traditional finance onto open networks. Base is their latest and greatest move, a critical piece to achieve this. 

The Camp on Web3 Mountain ⛰️

If you’ve been following along with our interactive blogs, you know we love a good analogy. We think it helps make complex concepts a bit easier to grasp. Forget NYC, because we’re headed into nature.

So, if web3 were a mountain, Base is building the base camp—your entry point to the great outdoors. Before you head into the vast wilderness of web3, you need to start at a well-equipped camp to acclimate, learn the ropes, and prepare for your adventure. 🏕️

But here’s the thing—this camp is growing, and fast. It’s not just a little pit stop; it’s already evolved into a bustling mountain town where you can gear up for all kinds of journeys. It’s a thriving community where you can connect with fellow explorers and even find some new adventures. 

We hope you've been having fun and embarked on some exciting new adventures during the first four weeks of Social Summer. There are still a few more weeks left to explore the Superchain and celebrate onchain social.

Mint this to commemorate the festivities at Base Camp, and let’s bring the world onchain! 🫶

Fill in the blanks on this page with stickers.




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